Mild Detachment

This collection of digital photographs were taken during the COVID-19 pandemic and state of quarantine. In this time of constant stress and anxiety, I utilized photography to ground my mental state and create a distraction. I observed my surroundings closely and took note of every detail. I quickly found comfort in the color of blue. Light filtering in from my windows became a symbol of hope; time without delay was moving forward. Daydreaming became a constant and started off by watching clouds through a haze of nostalgia.

I photographed landscape photos inside magazines to represent a yearning to travel without the fear of this pandemic lingering.

Music was an integral part of my creative process. The songs included in this book were a constant companion while photographing and initiated many daydreams of what life could be like after quarantine.

This book is intended to provide a symbol of hope to the viewer and provide this idea that even though we don’t know what tomorrow holds, there is still a possibility for tranquility, of a subtle and calm happiness.

Other images within the book